Which Is The Most Suitable Speech Therapy Treatment For Stuttering?

There are a number of treatments that are used to treat stuttering. We have mentioned some below, but at this time can only give very brief details. Adult stammerers need to be aware that they need to tackle the underlying causes of the stammer (psychological issues), as well as the more obvious outward signs of the stammer. Unfortunately, for many people, there is no long-lasting cure and they have to live with their stammer. Therefore, you can go through some of the most suitable speech therapy treatment for stuttering :

If you need more information or you have a question regarding Speech Therapy Treatment For Stuttering, you can discuss it with our HearingSol healthcare professionals, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

The most suitable speech therapy treatment for stuttering

Fluency shaping for stammering

The goal of this new therapy was to replace stuttering completely with a new way of talking that allowed the person to talk without stuttering. It started with the production of a very slow unnatural sounding prolonging of sounds and syllables – but during this time the client did not stutter. Next, the rate and other factors were shaped gradually in steps to sound like normal, natural-sounding speech.

Modification therapy for stammering

Researchers wanted to teach clients to “stutter more easily”. They taught techniques to reduce tension by training muscle relaxation during the moments of stuttering. Some of these procedures are “pull-outs” (reducing tension during the stuttering moment) and “cancellations” (completing the stuttering moment and then going back over it with less tension). All of these were somewhat effective in reducing the severity of the stuttering moment, but the stuttering remained.

Accepting your stammer

The best therapy for any disorder is to accept your weakness or disorder. It generates self-individuality and self-esteem. As a result, it provides a strong base to work with the therapies.

Anti-stammering device

  • Delayed-Auditory Feedback – With speech therapy, DAF can induce a slower speaking rate with stretched vowels to make even severe stutterers nearly 100% fluent.
  • Pitch-Shifting Frequency – Altered auditory feedback (FAF) immediately reduces stuttering about 70% at normal speaking rates and induces speech motor changes in stutterers.

Anti-stammering medication

  • Alprazolam (Xanax), an antianxiety agent
  • citalopram (Celexa)
  • A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
  • Clomipramine (Anafranil), another strongly serotonergic drug

Reading Exercises

Just as with the slow speech exercise, reading exercises can reduce stuttering by slowing your vowels, concentrating on your breathing and trying to relax. Read a paragraph out of your favorite book without placing any pressure or stress on yourself to get it right. Just relax and read, trying to enjoy the process instead of focusing on not stuttering. If you stutter, keep reading and don’t blame yourself. Practice reading out loud for half an hour every day.

Alternative ways to treat stuttering:

If someone is stuttering because of their uncontrolled breathing problem. Ask them to take a deep breath and provide a favorable and relaxed environment. There are some ways to treat stuttering such as-

  • Controlling and monitoring speech rate with smooth fluent words or speak at a low speed. You can also use short sentences.
  • To overcome stuttering one need to have speech therapy and learn how to regulate breathing?
  • You can also control your stuttering with Abdominal breathing.
  • Speech therapy can be used as a treatment to the stammering. Therapy can help your child to improve pronunciation. The therapy enhances the rate of speech and breath support.
  • The other way to treat stuttering is an electronic device. It helps children to record their own voice and hear it back so that they can remove their stuttering problem.

Do abdominal Breathing

Parent-Child Interaction

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Exercises to treat stuttering

If you need more information or you have a question regarding Speech Therapy Treatment For Stuttering, you can discuss it with our HearingSol healthcare professionals, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

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