Before answering this question lets have a look at the procedure of stapedectomy.
You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need more information or you have a query about Stapedectomy or Hearing Loss, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.
The procedure of stapedectomy takes about one hour to perform.
Packing is removed after 1 to 2 weeks of surgery. Some bloody drain is removed after 1-3 days after covering. Thus after 3 weeks, the patient can start his physical activity as he will start to hear by 4 weeks. Thus hearing may improve right away, but it takes about 2-4 weeks to improve hearing. Patient visits the doctor about 7-10 days after surgery to remove and packing.
Expected post-surgical changes can be noticed by a change in hearing, numbness, tingling or pain of the ear, abnormal taste, ringing in the ear, or a scant amount of drainage from the ear. As healing after surgery takes an appropriate time. It generally takes about 4 weeks for the ear to heel.
By the fourth week, the patient notices the improvement in hearing. As the ear is healed by 3-6 after surgery, the postoperative audiogram is performed. Then second postoperative audiogram is performed after 3 months.
People having otosclerosis and significant hearing loss are the patients for a stapedectomy. Each patient gets an audiometric hearing test and a consultation to determine the appropriate stapedectomy. After the surgery, it will take around four weeks to heal the ear properly. A patient will notice an improvement in his hearing. More than 70% of the cases are successful.
• Drainage that persists
• Swelling
• Increased pain
• Fever of 101° or more
• Sudden deafness
• ringing constantly
Thus utmost care is needed from surgery to the postoperative audiogram. As in 2-3 weeks, the patient regains his hearing ability slowly. Thus proper care, precautions, and patience are needed by the doctor as well as patient till the patient regains his hearing power after stapedectomy.
You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need more information or you have a query about Stapedectomy or Hearing Loss, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.
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