Does Stimming Always mean Autism?

No, this statement is not completely right that “Stimming Always mean Autism”. But the term stimming describe self-stimulatory behaviors. The clinical name of the stimming is Stereotypies. The stereotypes may show in both the children and adults from time to time for the variety of reasons.


Although, the stereotypes are often associated with autism or other types of developmental disorder. Basically, the self-stimulating behaviors found in developing children and adults, due to the cause of the unclear behavior.

If you need more information or you have a question regarding Stimming And Autism, you can discuss it with our HearingSol healthcare professionals, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

What is Stimming?

The professionals described has described the self-Simulating behavior in different types. First of all, they are characterized by making the repetitive movements, staring fixedly at the spinning object, the echoing sounds or phrases echolalia, and other types of purposeless acts.

Generally, the stereotypes described in two categories: Primary or Common, and Secondary or Complex.

Primary or Common stereotypical behaviors can include some conditions as listed below:

  • Nail Biting
  • Rocking
  • Head Banging
  • Thumb Sucking

Secondary or Complex stereotypical behaviors can include some conditions as listed below:

  • Wrist Flexion or Extension
  • Atypical Gazing at the Object
  • Hand Flapping
  • Abnormal Running, Pacing, and Skipping
  • Arm Waving

Types of Stimming behavior

The common behavior of stimming

  • Biting your nail with your teeth.
  • Twirling your hairs with your fingers.
  • Tapping pen, pencil.
  • Jiggling with the foot.

The patient suffering from stimming with autism

  • Blinking of eyes repeatedly.
  • Scratching or rubbing the skin continuously.
  • rubbing, stroking, licking to a particular type of objects.
  • Sniffing objects.
  • Bouncing, jumping repeatedly.
  • Walking on tiptoes.

Normally Developing Children

There are lots of people who may evidence of stereotypical behaviors at the time and, there is no exception from the children. Almost 65 percent of the neurotypical infants and there are 50 percent of children who are under the age of 15 years, can show the primary stereotypical behaviors.

These behaviors are such as rocking, nail-biting, and thumb sucking. There is 3 to 4 percent of normally developing preschool children, who can show secondary stereotypical behaviors. These behaviors are such as hand flapping and arm waving.

In some cases, when stereotypes are seen in neurotypical children, then they are associated with sleep behaviors. Sleep behavior can be part of the self-soothing. The repetitive behaviors are such as crossing and uncrossing legs, foot-tapping, and the tapping figures on the arm of the chair.

These types of behaviors considered normal adult stereotypical behaviors. Therefore, these self-stimulating behaviors will fade as the child ages.

Children with Medical or Developmental Disorders

There are some medical or developmental disorders associated with a no. of medical or psychiatric conditions as listed below:

  • Intellectual Disability
  • Undiagnosed Pain
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder
  • The Sensory Deprivation such as Blindness and Deafness or Hearing Loss
  • Seizures and Brain Infection
  • Psychiatric Disorders such as Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Autism.

Behavioral Treatment

Stimming can be controlled or managed if we know the cause behind it doing that. Behavior is a way of communicating with patients. It helps to understand what the patient wants to say with his stimming.

  • Keep busy by maintaining a daily schedule.
  • Praise good behaviors and self-control.
  • Do not punish the patient for wrong behavior.
  • Try alternative methods(similar to stimming) which help in good deeds.

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