कान के मरीज़ों को HearingSol का तोहफ़ा

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अगर ऐसा कुछ भी हो रहा है तो थोड़ी-सी भी लापरवाही आपको महंगी पड़ सकती है। आपका एक कान काम करना बंद कर सकता है या आप दोनों कानों से सुनने की क्षमता गंवा सकते हैं।

HearingSol एक विशेष अभियान के तहत लोगो की FREE कान की जांच और checkup कर रही है। यह जाँच अत्याधुनिक मशीनों से की जाएगी। जांच के दौरान हमारे audiologist और ENT doctors आपको उचित सलाह देंगे और आपके सभी सवालों के जवाब भी देंगे।

अभी खुद को रजिस्टर करे या Toll-Free Number +91-9327901950 डायल करें। ऑफर सीमित समय तक…

Can a firecracker cause permanent hearing loss?

Every year, many people experience some damage to their hearing because of firecrackers. Firecracker produces loud noise (in 150 to 175 dB range) which can cause three types of hearing lossTinnitus (ringing in the ear without external sound), temporary hearing loss (last for 24 hours) and permanent hearing loss. Firecracker can damage ears and can cause permanent hearing loss.

You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need more information or you have a query about Firecracker Cause Hearing Loss, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

Even though fireworks are thrilling and exciting, the sound pressure from them can lead to hearing damage when protection is not used.

Important Factors

  • The distance between the person and a sound source. A sound will less likely to affect your hearing if positioned far from the sound source.
  • How loud is the firecracker? If the sound of a firework is loud, it can affect your hearing. So, you should stand a distance apart from the sound source to not to affect your hearing.

What level of sound exposure is bearable?

The World Health Organization have recommended the level of sound exposure for children and adults-

  • Adults should not be exposed to more than 140 decibels of peak sound pressure.
  • For children, the recommendation is 120 decibels.
  • If a firework explodes at 170 decibels, you would have to stand 15 to 20 meters away before you are at a safe limit.
  • Children should stand 50 to 60 meters away from that same firework.
  • Infants experience the greatest amount of sound pressure, therefore, they should not be exposed to fireworks.

How firecrackers can affect Hearing?

Noise from fireworks produces a sound output in the range of 150 to 175 dB. Every year. several people experience some damage to their hearing as an outcome of fireworks.

When the firecracker burst, loud noise affects the ear in different ways. The sound produced by firecracker enters the ear and reach the eardrum and then into the inner ear. We have a number of hair cells in our ear that help in hearing. Tiny hair cell changes the sound waves into a nerve impulse which is carried to the brain and then sound is interpreted. Tiny hair cells are destroyed by loud noises caused by firecrackers. When these cells once get destroyed, they cannot be restored and this causes the permanent hearing loss.

Every year, many people experience some losses for their hearing, mainly due to fireworks and crackers. Protect your ears; Considering the fact that fireworks will cause hearing loss or not. Contact with very loud sounds can result in partial or complete loss of hearing. The effect of loss due to loud sound or loss depends on the sound intensity and its duration, causing your ears to be exposed.

Exposure to loud sounds can lead to

  • Tinnitus – ringing in the ears, which can be a sign of hearing loss.
  • Temporary Threshold Shift – A minor reduction in hearing, which usually lasts only 24 hours.
  • Permanent hearing loss – A change in hearing which is permanent and can not be restored.

Protect your ears

1. Maintain a distance: Make sure that you are at a comfortable distance from the sound source. You should be at least 500 feet away from the fireworks to protect your hearing.

2. Wear earplugs: Earplugs are very effective to prevent hearing loss. That not only allow you to hear music and speech but also block loud noises.

3. Cotton balls: If you are not that close to the fireworks, you can use cotton balls to prevent noise.

4. Hearing aid: If you already have hearing loss, a hearing aid is the best way to prevent loud noise.


Even though fireworks are thrilling, it is important to realize they can be dangerous to tour hearing. The best outcome to stay safe and to avoid a hearing problem is prevention. Avoid loud noises and sounds, as much as you can. Avoid being close to high-intensity sound bombs.

We hope you to have a fun and safe celebration. Also, we hope that this information is helpful to you.

You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need more information or you have a query about Firecracker Cause Hearing Loss, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.



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