If you are wearing a hearing aid and not getting clear sound in the noise area then maybe its time to Upgrade Your ear machine to Latest Hearing Aid Technology.
So that you can enjoy Latest Hearing Aid Technology that resolves your hearing problem. It is a machine and every machine has some time period to provide working functionality at a peak level.
You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need any assistance or you have a query regarding Hearing Aids or Hearing Loss, feel free to call us at +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.
Today, Hearing Loss is a common problem all over the world. There are various sizes of hearing aids available in the market.
So the hearing solution is here that will provide you with few signs that you should talk to your doctor about hearing machine.
When Should You Upgrade Hearing Aids?
There are many things that you should consider before the upgrade hearing aids or buy a hearing device. As you know every machine has some time period to work at peak level so hearing aid also a machine.
While hearing aid has a life of 3 to 7 years. But there are many cases in which it is may need to upgrade earlier.
While follow-up visits with hearing care professionals adjust the hearing aids. So that their lifespan can be extended, rapidly.
Advancing technology directly means that the features of your hearing aids will be obsolete by the time the electronics begin to malfunction.
It is good to know about the warning signs of a failing device so that you don’t even have to spend a day without the best hearing modification available.
The changes which happen in the hearing and lifestyle already warns for the up-gradation. When you start a new job means readjusting to an office with audio as well as communication equipment that’s different from what you have used till now.
As you move to a new location, such as a city where the environmental sounds are louder, it could also affect your hearing requirements.
Reasons To Upgrade Your Hearing Aids
Following are some common reasons that your hearing aids need upgradation:
1. Your Hearing Aids Are No Longer Performing Well
If your hearing instrument is not working effectively so you should do service and clean your hearing aids. It may be damaged by ear wax, moisture, and other debris.
In other cases, the electronics within the hearing aids need repair, but otherwise, the hearing aids remain effective. Consult your hearing doctor about hearing aid repair service.
If your hearing aids are damaged beyond repair, on the other hand, or if they are past their standard lifespan, you might want to upgrade to a new set.
2. Your Hearing Requirements Are Not Being Fulfilled
You hear about a new kind of hearing aid that can stream calls wirelessly from your iPhone straight to your hearing aids, resulting in a clear sound that you can quickly adjust.
In this situation, you may want to upgrade your hearing aids that can better satisfy your requirements. so, giving a try on new technology will surely gonna enhance your hearing experience.
Read more: made for iPhone hearing aid
Let’s say you land a new job that necessitates a lot of speaking on the phone, which has regularly been a challenge for you with your present hearing aids.
You hear about a new type of hearing aid that can stream calls wirelessly from your iPhone straight to your hearing aids, producing a clear sound that you can conveniently modify.
In this scenario, you may want to upgrade your hearing aids to satisfy your new hearing requirements.
It’s a great idea to make a list of all the situations in which your existing hearing aids are not performing to your preference.
Then, by talking with a hearing specialist, you can identify the hearing aids that can better fulfill your needs.
3. Your Hearing Has Changed
Hearing can and does change over the years. It is possible that your present hearing aids, while initially sufficient are now not capable of dealing with your hearing loss and are not fitting anymore.
In this situation, you will need a new hearing assessment and a new pair of hearing aids programmed to accommodate your hearing loss.
4. You Want To Reap The Benefits Of Cutting-Edge Technology
Hearing aid technology improving day by day. Ten years ago it was not possible to connect your machine wirelessly now you can stream music wirelessly from your iPod to your hearing aids.
New functionality is added to new hearing aid models for periodically.
5. To Accommodate A Modification In Hearing
Updating to new technology is also necessary to accommodate a major modification in hearing. If you start to note additional problems understanding speech, TV, or hearing in noise, your hearing might have modified.
Keep in mind that age-related hearing disorder will modify over time. Changes in hearing are expected and hearing acuity usually diminishes over time. Upgrading to additional refined technology will help complete these changes.
So always purchase best hearing aid that you can enjoy there functionality at peak level.
Today’s Hearing Aid
In the 21st century, hearing aid is very smaller, lighter, and very powerful than before. They are easily fit on the tip of a finger and are invisible when worn.
Modern hearing aids are coated with microscopic protecting shields that scale back maintenance and increase lifetime.
Around 2005, digital hearing aids had captured more than 90 percent of the market. Today, background noise is a very big problem all over the world.
Types Of Hearing Aids
There are various types of hearing aids available which are listed below:-
- Behind-the-ear (BTE) Hearing aids:- This type of hearing aids put over and behind the ear. The sound goes into the ear canal via the thin piece of tubing. BTE has all the latest technology.
- In-the-ear (ITE) Hearing Aids:- ITE hearing aids are divided into three subtypes based on the size.
- In-The-canal (ITC) mainly fills up the ear canal with the faceplate taking up about a quarter of the ear.
- Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) is a deeper fitting device with only a small amount visible in the ear.
- Invisible-in-the-canal (IIC) hearing aids fit very deep in the ear canal.
History Of Various Size And Working Of Hearing Aids

Before a long year ago hearing aids were different in size. During the 1600s and 1700s, hearing aids “trumpets” were very popular. Wide at one end to gather sound and narrow at the other end to direct amplified sound into the ear. Early hearing aids trumpets were fashioned from animal horns, seashell, and glass.

Also during the 1700s, bone conduction was discovered. This process transmits sound vibration through the skull to the brain. Small fan-shaped devices were placed behind the ears to collect sound wave vibrations and direct them through the small bones of the ear. During the 1800s, efforts to conceal hearing aids began.
At this time period, ear tubes were introduced. One end connects to the speaker’s mouth and the other end placed directly to the listener’s ears.
Read more: Best bone conduction headphones for hearing loss people
During the 1900s, the advent of the electricity, coupled with Alexander Graham Bell’s work on the telephone, ushered in a “new generation” of hearing aids that electronically amplified sound via a carbon microphone and a battery.

In the 1950s, the invention of the transistor changed hearing aids technology totally. A transistor is simply a switch with two settings: on or off. In the mid-1990s, digital hearing aids technology came on the market. Digital circuitry allowed sound to be amplified, reduced, filtered, and directed, as needed.

Digital programming even helped eliminate feedback. Around the 1980s, a chip was used in the hearing aids, initially in hybrid analog-digital models in which digital circuits controlled an analog compression amplifier.
Latest Hearing Aid Technology
Hearing machines consist of different types of latest hearing aid technology. Hearing aid technology involved vacuum tubes and large, heavy batteries.
Today, various techniques are used like microchips, computerization, and digitized sound processing. It’s time to get everything on the app so here are some apps for hearing loss on your handset and they are:
- Sound Meter
- Hearing Loss Simulator
- TV Louder
- AUD-1
- Clear Captions
Digitally programmable hearing aids have complete features and characteristics of analog programmable aids. But it uses digitized sound processing to transmit sound waves in the digital signal.
Digital hearing aids are self-adjusting and digital processing permits for more flexibility in programming the aid. A computer chip in the aid analyzes the signals to determine whether the sound is noise or speech.
The digital technology is very expensive but has many advantages like improvement in programmability, greater precision in fitting, management of loudness discomfort, reduce noise through sounds, and noise reduction tools.
Some aids can store several programs. These aids are very expensive than conventional hearing aids. They generally have a longer lifespan and also provide a good hearing for you in different listening situations.
You can acquire the latest hearing aids at a fair price through Hearing Sol. To know more such information you can browse our website.
Or if you need any help with Hearing Aid Devices. Give us a call at +91-9327901950, book an appointment for a FREE consultation for hearing aids at the HearingSol clinic.