Any person suffering from Tinnitus will consider anything to get relief from the symptoms. The person will try anything from apple cider vinegar to dietary supplements to “miracle cures” hawked by snake-oil marketers. New Guidelines Tinnitus Treatment can help you very much.
Nowadays it seems like there is a promising new solution for tinnitus lurking out from each corner. The main problem with them is that they don’t really work.
You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need any assistance or you have a query regarding Tinnitus Treatment or Hearing Loss, feel free to call us at +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.
This condition may be because of a lack of awareness regarding new guidelines for tinnitus treatment.
Tinnitus is often called ringing in the ears that causes damage and loss of the tiny sensory hair cells of the inner ear. It may also sound like ringing, buzz, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds.

This noise in ear basically come from inside your body, rather than from an outside source. Although you are the only individual one who can hear the noise it is not a result of your imagination.
Those affected by Tinnitus have a low quality of life, isolation, depression, insomnia, and even suicidal thoughts or actions in the worst case.
Tinnitus is a very complex problem. As studied by the researchers of the University of Lowa, Tinnitus affects multiple areas of the brain.
It not only affects the part of the brain which receives sound information but also the part of the brain connected to memory, attention, and emotion.
50 million Americans including 15 million veterans are under the effect of Tinnitus. Especially those who are in the military and returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
It doesn’t have any permanent cure but there are some new guidelines and therapies. In some of the cases, it goes on its own, but the rest of them require medical interventions.
Now without wasting any more time lets continue to latest guidelines for tinnitus in 2020.
New Guidelines Tinnitus Treatment
New Guidelines regarding Tinnitus have been released by the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS). These new guidelines include:
- Complete medical history of the patient
- Reports of the hearing test taken
- Thorough physical and ear examination
- Counseling sessions to manage Tinnitus
- Evaluation of hearing aid for people with hearing loss
Some new treatments are being under research along with the AAO-HNS guidelines. It may work for those living with tinnitus to ease down their burden.
Therefore there are some new guidelines to help people manage their conditions.
1. Supplements Not Recommended
According to the new tinnitus treatment guidelines by AAO-HNS dietary supplements and medications like Ginkgo Biloba, Melatonin and Zinc are not recommended. AAO-HNS also recommends against the routine use of any type of antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications to manage the effects of tinnitus.
Along with the medications AAO-HNS is also against all sorts of imaging techniques like MRIs etc. to assess a patient’s tinnitus. But however, researchers are neutral on the concept of acupuncture, neither in favor nor against it.
2. Vibration Therapy For Tinnitus
SUNY Brooklyn and Virginia Commonwealth University researchers are studying a new vibration technology called UltraQuiet.
It consists of the following; music player, amplifier, and headpiece. There is a small disc in the headpiece which is held up to the mastoid bone.
Where the small disc turns on the music with high-frequency vibrations which is processed by mastoid bone. Then it straightaway reaches to cochlea passing through the middle ear and then sent to the brain for further processing.
Some more therapies can be included in the management of tinnitus. Such as cognitive-behavioral therapies, sound, and music therapies with different incarnations.
3. Improvement In Tinnitus Patient
In a study by Virginia Commonwealth University and SUNY Brooklyn, people between the ages of 35 and 72 participated.
Some of them had severe disabling Tinnitus and others had mild to moderate high-frequency hearing loss. Participants noticed a significant improvement in their tinnitus, after four weeks of treatment.
This improvement lasted for many weeks contrary to the traditional masking therapies which last for a couple of minutes.
4. The Focus Of The New Therapies
Mostly the new guidelines for the therapies focus on much “bothersome and persistent” form of tinnitus. The condition has been persistent for more than six months or even longer, having negative effects on the quality of patients’ life.
Though these guidelines are also applicable for those with shorter duration of tinnitus as well.
Some Guidelines From Other Sources
The main reason behind tinnitus being so treatment resistant is because it involves many parts of the brain. Any of the treatments might not be able to knock out even one area of that system.
One must target all the parts of the brain affected by Tinnitus, which might be very difficult. To overcome this difficulty, scientists at the University of Massachusetts are using a new therapy.
Music Therapy
Scientists from the University of Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary are working on music therapy to use neural plasticity of brains i.e. its ability to be remolded, for treating tinnitus.
As the treatment proceeds, the patient is made to listen to the music of their choice, filtered to remove phantom tone specific to the patient. This will then calm the portion of the brain which otherwise may have overstimulated by that tone.
After some successful trials on the patients, neuroscientist Daniel Polley concluded that music therapy works best for tinnitus as it is imbued with meaning, therefore it is special and personal.
Combined with the University of Lowa research, these trials offer further confirmation that these abnormal brain waves are intertwined memory, attention, and emotion.
You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need any assistance or you have a query regarding Tinnitus Treatment or Hearing Loss, feel free to call us at +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.
Read more: Pulsatile Tinnitus: Hearing Heartbeat, Fluttering, Whooshing Sound in Ear