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Categories: Health & Wellness

Best Ear Wax Removal – 13 Home Remedies to Get Wax Out Of Ear

The skin of the outer ear canal has the special glands which produce the cerumen. It is a grey, yellowish and orange waxy substance which excreted in the ear canal of humans as well as the mammal’s body.

You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need any assistance or you have a query regarding Ear Wax Removal or Hearing Loss, feel free to call us at +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

What is Ear Wax?

The medical term for the ear wax is the cerumen, which occurs automatically in the outer ear canal. This is the area between the outer part of the ear (visible area) and the middle ear.

It protects the ear canal of the human body for the purpose of cleansing and as well as moisturizing. When the wax is produced it makes his way through the outer ear canal to the opening of the ear. The wax either falls out or removed when you wash it properly.

Ear Wax (Natural Defence)

The most important function is, it acts as a shield between the outside world and the eardrum. Ear-Wax becomes the natural barrier that protects the ear canal from the dirt, bacteria, fungus, insects, and water so that they couldn’t enter the deep-seated part of your ears.

As it is sticky so it collects all the harmful substances which could affect your ears. If this barrier i.e., earwax, will not be found there in your ear canal then your ear would be at high risk.

After the earwax is produced in the ear canal, it itself makes its way through the outer ear canal to the outer ear. Either it falls out by itself or you have to clean or wash it off.

Some person always feels stuffy by the ear-wax, the reason behind this is, their ear canal always produces an earwax.

This is quite a long article (over 6500 words) hence we’ve put a nice little table of contents up here for ease of navigation.

Earwax Build-up and Blockage

It is not so hard to find out the reason behind the earwax buildup or blockage. When it becomes so hard to plug that it becomes tough to clean or wash it off naturally then this situation becomes the ear wax blockage.

Sometimes, the quantity of ear-wax differs from person to person. People have earwax build-up which becomes uncomfortable for them as it will always create a feeling of fullness and decrease the hearing capacity.

A hard plug of earwax can also become the cause of ringing in the ears i.e., tinnitus or mild dizziness i.e., vertigo.

When your skin is excreting more ear wax unnecessarily then it may get hard plugs and can block your ear. When you try to wash it off you sometimes pull it deeper which causes a blockage in the ear.

It generally becomes the cause of temporary hearing loss. If you are having some problem to treat an earwax build up then you can visit your doctor for the treatment. The treatment for this earwax blockage is basically quick and painless

Symptoms Of Impacted Ear Wax Blockage

It is important to notice the ear wax which impacted the ear canal, whose signs are not good for your healthy ears. Most of the people believe that there are no needs for cleaning their ears, it may clean itself. One of the main causes becomes by the ear wax is reduced in hearing in an affected ear.

The earwax appearance varies from light yellow to dark brown color. It’s not necessary that the darker color of indicating that there’s a blockage.

It does not cause any type of symptoms unless the quantity becomes enough that they need it is necessary.

signs of earwax buildup include:

  • Experiencing sudden or partial hearing impairment (usually temporary)
  • Ringing in the ear (Tinnitus)
  • A feeling of fullness in the ear
  • An earache
  • Vertigo
  • Dizziness
  • Cough
  • Pain in the ear
  • Feeling of itchiness in the ear
  • The odor coming from the ear

If all these above symptoms are ignored and left untreated then the excessive ear wax cause ear infection which becomes worse. Consult your doctor if you experience any symptoms of ear infection, such as:

  • Severe ear pain
  • Ear pain that doesn’t subside
  • Drainage from ear
  • Fever
  • Coughing
  • Persistent hearing loss
  • An odor coming from your ear
  • Dizziness
  • Itching

These symptoms may also have some other causes. Consult a professional if any of the symptoms are frequent. Only a medical evaluation can determine if the problem is due to excessive ear-wax or any other health issue.

Earwax In Children

Children, just like normal adults, naturally produce earwax. While removing the wax may seem to be tempting, but doing this can damage your child’s ears to a severe extent.

It’s best to consult a pediatrician if you suspect your child having ear-wax buildup or blockage. A pediatrician may also notice excess wax buildup during regular ear exams and remove it as required. Ask the pediatrician to check their ears for wax buildup if the child is sticking their finger or other objects in their ear due to irritation.

Earwax In Adult

Earwax can be problematic even in older adults. Some adults avoid wax buildup until it becomes an obstruction for your hearing. In most cases of adults with conductive hearing loss, the main cause is ear wax buildup. Wax blockage can also be due to the hearing aid.

Causes Of Earwax Buildup

According to the survey, ear wax build-up affects about 6% of people. It occurs when your ear canal excretes more ear-wax than your body could remove it. The wax in your ear is excreted by the glands in the outer ear canals. The wax and the tiny hairs in these movements traps dust and other unnecessary particles which can damage deeper structures like the eardrum.

Blockage generally caused when the wax gets pushed deep within the ear canal or fills the width of the ear canal. Some people often produce more ear-wax. Still, it doesn’t lead to blockage by itself. The most common cause of ear wax blockage is at-home removal. Using cotton swabs, bobby pins, or any other pointed objects in your ear canal can push wax deeper, hence creating a blockage.

The chance to have more wax buildup is due to the frequent use of earphones. It prevents earwax from coming out of the ear canals and cause ear blockages.

If earwax production is too much, the motion of your jaw is not enough to move out the wax on its own. It doesn’t mean that you should use Q-Tips to clear it out. Q-Tips push the wax deeper into your ear canal and cause the wax to become impacted. Hearing loss can be experienced if the ear canal is blocked with impacted wax. Consult a doctor to get ear wax removed.

It can be caused by several multiple reasons. The most common cause is the use of cotton buds for cleaning the ear. You are not realizing that by using an object directly to the ear canal, you are somehow pushing the wax further into the ear where it can increase the risk of forming an obstruction which causes a problem.

It causes the number of health conditions such as:

  • Bony blockage (osteoma or exostoses)
  • Infectious disease, like swimmer’s ear (external otitis)
  • Skin disease
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Narrowed ear canal
  • Making too much earwax due to injury and water collecting in the ear canal
  • People with developmental disabilities

The above causes are from the health issues but there are also additional ways through which ear blockage occurs. They are:

  • Uses of Q-tips
  • Hearing aids or hearing plugs
  • Use of cotton wax
  • Naturally more wax present in the ear
  • Maybe of hairy or narrow canals
  • Old age

Risk Of Having An Ear Blockage

There might be some risks which occur when you ignored the hard plug of earwax in the ear canal, such as:

  • Narrow or partially formed ear canals
  • Hard impacted wax, either as a result of cotton bud cleaning or incorrect use of earplugs, which prevent wax from moving out naturally
  • A history of earwax issues
  • Repeated ear infections
  • Osteomata – bony growths in the ear canal
  • Excess hair in the ear canals
  • Learning difficulties (the reason for which is currently unknown)
  • Natural aging process – earwax becomes drier as you get older
  • an earache.
  • an ear infection.
  • itchiness.
  • tinnitus, which is a ringing in the ear.
  • a feeling of fullness in the ear.
  • a cough, due to pressure from the blockage stimulating a nerve in the ear.

Ear Wax Removal

Generally ear wax does not need to be removed. It only needs to be removed when you feel any symptoms of earwax buildup or blockage. Removing of earwax blockage can be done at home with OTC(over-the-counter) softening ear drops, or a bulb-type syringe to wash the ear with warm water.

Removal is recommended medically if the wax is coming in between the view of the eardrum, or if symptoms are present having decreased hearing or feel any pain.

Removal of ear wax can use a variety of techniques like:

  • Cleaning the outside of the ear-by wiping with a cloth.
  • Putting cerumenolytic solutions into the ear canal-These solutions include mineral oil, baby oil, glycerin, peroxide-based ear drops, hydrogen peroxide, and saline solution.
  • Irrigating or syringing the ear-This involves using a syringe to rinse out the ear canal with water or saline, generally, after the wax has been softened or dissolved by a cerumenolytic.
  • Removing the wax manually using special instruments-This should be done only by a health care provider who might use a cerumen spoon, forceps, or suction device.
  • Soften the wax. Use an eyedropper to apply a few drops of baby oil, mineral oil, glycerin, or hydrogen peroxide in your ear canal.
  • Use warm water. After a day or two, when the wax is softened, use a rubber bulb syringe to gently squirt warm water into your ear canal.
  • Dry your ear canal

Usually, removal of earwax does not cause any type of problem but in rare cases, it causes some of the following cautions like:

  • Swimmer’s ear
  • Earache
  • Short-term hearing loss
  • Dizziness
  • Retention of water in the canal
  • Eardrum hole
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Bleeding from the ear

Do’s And Don’t For Ear Wax Removal

There is a list of doing or avoiding something for your good health or when dealing with your earwax problem like:


  • Take medical help if you have any symptoms like hearing loss, the fullness of the ear, or ear pain.
  • Consult your doctor about home remedies for treating earwax blockage.
  • Take medical attention if you experience ear pain, drainage, bleeding, hearing changes, an odor coming from the ear, or other noticeable change.


  • Never use ear candles.
  • Do not over-clean your ears.
  • Never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear.

Q-Tips And Ear Candling

As we know that wax does not form inside in the ear, it forms in the outer ear canal near the eardrum. If you will try to clean your ears using cotton swabs then it will result to push the wax inside the ear canal.

So, if your ear canal is stuffed with the ear wax then it is highly restrictions not to use the Q-tips or ear candles. Q-tip diameter is greater than the diameter of the ear canal.

There must be a portion of the wax that you can’t get around. All you have to do is to push it in. and by pushing you will going to hurt your eardrums.

Ear candling is also known as ear coning or thermal-auricular therapy. People use to say they swear it can get rid of many problems, from the wax buildup to ringing in their ears.

The candles have even been reported to help with cancer treatment. It seems almost too good to be true, they say. It involves the insertion of a lit tube of fabric coated near the wax in the ear.

It believes that the suction will take the wax out of the ear canal.

How Does Earwax Candle Work?

There are some steps you will follow when you are going through a process like candling:

  • You have to lie by your side with assuring that your face and outer ear is covered with something.
  • The doctor gently enters the end of the candle into your ear canal at a 90-degree angle from the ear.
  • This is done for about 10-15 mins. This is a painless technique, you will enjoy the crackling sound of the candle. The doctor cuts after every two inches burnt. When there is 4 inches remain, it takes out from the ear canal and blown out.
  • Turn over and repeat the above steps.
Pros And Cons Of The Ear Wax Candle


  • The good stuff: It is believed that it is not a process of removing ear wax, but it is a process of stopping every sense and make a body in cal situation.


  • A hearing is affected: People could experience a hearing loss after the ear wax candles.
  • You could literally burn: This process could burn your ear, face, and neck. It’s not just a skin burn technique but also one person has died as the result of a fire started during a candling session.
  • End up with candle wax and ashes in the ear:  Survey concludes that the candling process involves a deposit of candle wax within the ear and it has to be removed by the doctor itself.

Earwax Removal Kit

There is a tool used for the removal of earwax known as Ototek Loop Ear Wax Removal Tool.

It is used for the adults and the children below 16. And if you are having an ear injury or an ear infection from the past then, first consult with your doctor before using this kit.

Side Effect After Removal Of Ear Wax

Some people remove the earwax in a very proper manner so that there would be no side effects like an infection in the eardrum, damage to inner ear skin, and bursts of the eardrum.

(a) Infection Of The Eardrum

Eardrum also gets infected in a situation known a Myringitis bullosa. This condition occurs when the bacteria and other infected germs find their way to get into the ear canal. A British Journal proves that ear irrigation used in removing an earwax can cause an infection of the ear canal.

(b) Damage To The Inner Skin

Damage in the inner ear skin can cause due to the cleaning of the earwax. Ear irrigation is the one method of ear wax removal which is also known as ear syringing. It can also cause the otitis externa, it is an inflammation of the skin in the outer ear and ear canal. Wax removal with suction, probes, or forceps, while effective, may also impact the ear canal skin in a traumatic way.

(c) Eardrum Perforation

The FDA(Food and Drug Administration) reports that the most common cause of the damage to the skin of the eardrum. As the ear candling can be proved as the dangerous part of removal in the earwax from the ear canal.

Best Way to Remove Ear Wax: Home Remedies

Never attempt to clear out earwax buildup on your own. This can damage your ear leading to an ear infection or hearing loss. There are certain ways to get rid of the excess. They’re also available a home treatment for removing the ear-wax safely and gently.

1) Hydrogen Peroxide in Ear

Another term used for this is hydrogen dioxide, which is generally used for the healing of the wounds. The Hydrogen Peroxide is employed by people for different things, however, it can even be effective in eliminating stuck ear wax in the ear.

To do so you must need some of the things like hydrogen peroxide in an amount of 3%,  cotton balls, cotton swabs, extra-virgin olive oil, warm water, an ear dropper, a bulb aspirator, a towel, and two bowls. To make earwax removing more comfortable you have to heat the hydrogen peroxide and olive oil in the bowl.

If it is becoming more difficult in removing earwax than you should do the following things and have patience as it will take 30-40 mins.

  • Fill your dropper with warm olive oil,
  • Tilt your head so that the affected ear is facing towards the ceiling above you.
  • Let some drops of the olive oil get into your ear and wait for sometime before taking the next step.
  • Now place the hydrogen peroxide into an affected ear and wait for 15 minutes so that it could soak, don’t get so worried when you found to get hearing a bubbling sound, feeling itchy and tingly.
  • When you allow the ear wax to soak the hydrogen peroxide then you must tilt your head towards the next shoulder where you must keep a towel so that your clothes will not be affected, as the earwax becomes soften then it will automatically drain out with the peroxide
  • If you have the same problem with both the ears then you have to do the same procedure with another one.
  • If you have an impacted earwax then you have to do the same procedure every single day.

2) Baking Soda

Baking Soda chemical term is sodium bicarbonate(NaHCO3). It is a wide powder that is usually used for different purposes in Home. One of the best use of baking soda is to remove the ear wax. Procedure to use baking soda to remove the ear wax.

  • Take half spoon of baking soda with 60 gm of water and make a solution.
  • Put the solution in a little jar or a bottle.
  • Use a dropper to drop the solution into your ear.
  • Tilt your head at 90 degrees or 45 degrees and release 5 to 10 drops of the solution.
  • Leave the solution for an hour into the ear and then rinse with water.
  • Repeat the activity for a couple of days only once in a day. Do not repeat the activities for a longer period of time and weeks.

3) Coconut oil

Coconut oil is used in a wider range and it surprisingly also helps in the removal of the earwax from your ear. It contains fats known as a medium just like chain fatty acids, or MCFAs. These fats contain caprylic acid, lauric acid, and capric acid.

Your earwax gets helps in preventing infection from the coconut oil which gives some properties like antifungal and antimicrobial.

All you need for this procedure is a spoon of coconut oil, a towel, and a dropper.

  • Warm the spoon of coconut until it becomes in a liquid form.
  • Fill the dropper with this coconut oil.
  • Tilt your head opposite to the affected ear then drop the oil in an affected ear, and leave it for 10 mins.
  • After some time drain out the oil with your head up.
  • Dry your ear with a towel and repeat it in another ear.

4) Glycerine

Glycerine usually gives moisture to the skin but it also helps in earwax removal. It is neutral, thick liquid, colorless, and an effective way of wax softener. It can be used in the ear without diluted but it is safe and better to get dilute it before use due to its viscosity.

You can find out a glycerine in a thick liquid form which may create some problem and water converts it into a thinner form which makes it easy to get deep into the ear.

To use a glycerine technique you must need a glycerine, an ear dropper, water, and rubbing alcohol:

  • Add the glycerine from one tablespoon of water
  • Now pour the solution into an ear dropper
  • Tilt your head and have a drop in an affected ear. Then allow it to go deep into the ear, wait for 5-8 mins.
  • Tilt to the opposite side and drain out the solution from the ear,
  • Clean your ear or dry it with the help of the clean towel.

5) Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is very powerful and is used in a very large amount. It has properties like antibacterial,  antiseptic, antiviral, and antifungal. It also contains properties like anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiviral which helps in the ear to remove the blockage.

There are two different ways of using it:

  • By steaming it, in this technique, you need a glass of water and a few drops of tea tree oil. Boil approx 30 grams of water and add 3 tea tree oil. Pour it into a bowl and make sure that the bowl can resist the hot water. Check that the water is hot enough so that the steam is constantly up in the air. Now tilt your head towards the bowl and make sure you are tilting in that way that your affected ear could get all the steam of hot water. This will open up the blockage of the ear. Repeat this step until you will feel some relaxation.
  • Use of tea tree oil and olive oil, in this technique you need pure olive oil and 3 drops of tea tree oil. Mix it well and let the solution down into an ear dropper. Now tilt your head and let some drops into an affected ear and wait for some time, repeat this process until you need it.

6) Garlic

Garlic is the best remedy to ear that contains blockage and aching due to its allicin properties. It is a property that contains an antimicrobial agent that fights off with any type of infection and it also gives relief from the pain.

For this technique, you need to make garlic oil with sesame oil, which is used to softens the wax, 2-3 garlic cloves, 1-2 tablespoon of sesame oil, and an ear dropper.

  • Crush the garlic cloves and add it from the sesame oil.
  • Now turn the flame up and heat the oil until the garlic turns into a black color. Then place the bowl of oil in the room to become suitable with the room temperature. When it is with the room temperature then remove the black garlic.
  • Pour it into a dropper.
  • Tilt your head and get some drop into your ears, and allow it to penetrate.
  • Then after some time drain out the oil from your ear.

7) Baby Oil

To soften the wax and facilitate its removal, you’ll be able to additionally use salve.

  • Fill an ear dropper with baby oil.
  • Tilt the affected ear upwards and place 2 to 5 drops of the baby oil into the ear.
  • Place cotton at the ear gap to stop oil from oozing out.
  • Leave it for some time.
  • Remove the cotton and tilt your head in the other direction to remove the additional oil.
  • Clean the ear gap with a soft fabric.

8) Salt Water

Saltwater is the best wax removal solution that can be used at the home. It will soften the wax accumulated within the ear, making it easy to get rid of.

  • Mix one teaspoon of salt in a fraction cup of hot water till the salt dissolves fully.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the saline solution.
  • Tilt the affected ear upwards. Squeeze the cotton ball to place some drops of the saline water into the ear.
  • Stay in the same position for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Next, tilt your head in the other direction to permit the saline water to empty out.
  • Clean the outer a part of your ear with a clean fabric to get rid of the softened wax.

9) Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol

  • Mix an equal proportion of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol in a bowl.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the solution.
  • Tilt the affected ear upwards then squeeze two or three drops of this solution into the ear.
  • Wait for 5 minutes and tilt your head in the opposite direction so that gravity can bring out the solution as well as the wax.
  • Remove the earwax from the outer ear with an earbud.

10) Warm Water

  • Flushing your ear with warm water will also help get rid of excess earwax and also you can take care of your hearing aid after being dropped in water.
  • Fill a rubber-bulb syringe with slightly warm water (body temperature).
  • Tilt your head upright and pull the outer ear to straighten the ear canal.
  • Use the syringe to place a little quantity of water into the auditory canal.
  • Leave it for a minute and then drain it out by tilting your head to the opposite side.
  • Clean away the water and earwax with a clean cloth.

11) Take a shower

Take a shower and make sure that the water should be equal to your body temperature and clean your ear by getting the water inside your ear. You should drain out the excess amount of water by letting down your ear towards the ground.

12) Ear irrigation

Ear irrigation is another way to remove earwax buildup from your ear. But make sure to never attempt to irrigate your ear if suffering from an ear injury or had a medical procedure done on your ear recently.

Irrigation of a ruptured eardrum can result in a temporary hearing loss or ear infection. You can follow the directions provided with an over-the-counter kit to do ear irrigation, or follow the given steps:

  • Stand or sit with your head in an upright position.
  • Hold the outer ear and pull it upward gently.
  • Using a syringe, send a stream of body-temperature water into your ear. Too cold or too warm water can cause dizziness.
  • Allow water to drain by tipping your head. It may be required to do this procedure several times.

NOTE: Never use products meant for mouth or teeth irrigation. The force produced by them is more than your eardrum can safely tolerate.

13) Use olive or mineral oil to moisturize the outer ear

Olive oil, as well as mineral oil, makes your earwax soft and therefore it is easy to cleanout. You can also use peroxide or sodium bicarbonate in the case of oil. Put 2-3 drops and give 10-15 mins to your ear canal to make the wax soften and after that take a shower for cleaning. Use some mineral oil to moisturize your outer ear so there may be less chance of getting ear wax.

If anyone of the above technique is not suitable for you then you could go through the medical help and consult with your doctor.

Earwax Diagnosis And Treatment

When to See a Doctor

There are some conditions which clearly shows that now you need to go for a check-up:

  • If at-home removal of earwax is unsuccessful
  • If you suspect that you have a perforated eardrum
  • Developing drainage from your ear
  • If experiencing severe pain, fever, or continuing hearing loss

If you’re experiencing the signs and symptoms of ear wax blockage then you can contact your doctor. Symptoms could indicate another condition.

You will think that will impact ear wax fix itself. But the main thing is that you never know that if your ears contain more or less ear-wax without the help of someone.

Without the doctor’s consultant, you couldn’t know that the signs or symptoms like an earache or decrease in hearing loss mean wax blockage or not. It can be possible that this symptom can indicate another medical problem in your ear which must need attention.

Removal of wax is done by a doctor in safer ways. Excessive ear wax can damage your soft ear canal and eardrum.

Don’t try so hard to remove the ear wax by yourself by placing any device into your ear canal especially when you have ear surgery, having a hole in your eardrum, or if you are having any ear pain.

It’s important that your doctor can rule those out. They can use an otoscope, a lighted instrument with a magnifier, to see clearly into your inner ear.

Earwax Blockage Diagnosis

A doctor can check or tell after listening to your symptoms whether it is an era blockage/buildup or not. It can also determine that you have an ear blockage by looking in your ear with special instruments known as otoscope which light or magnifies your ears.

They first check your previous medical history or with simple hearing tests. They would simply diagnose you with an impacted ear wax when you even don’t feel any symptoms of ear blockage. The reason behind this is incased your doctor couldn’t find any ear wax or could not see any ear wax with its instrument known as an otoscope, then this impacted earwax would help you in this.

Ear Wax Treatment

Doctors use a small, curved instrument called a curet to remove the excess wax from the ear. They use a suction while inspecting your ear. Your doctor may remove the wax using a water pick or a rubber-bulb syringe which usually filled with warm water.

Doctor’s generally suggested for treatment if they think that you have any symptoms of an impact earwax, if not then they will refer you some test must be of hearing tests and not recommended for the treatment unless you will pass all the test. Sometimes ear-wax flushed out on its own in some time.

Your doctor must check some points like:

  • How old you are
  • Your overall health and medical history
  • How sick you are
  • How well you handle certain medicines, treatments, or therapies
  • If your condition is expected to get worse
  • Your opinion or preference

If you have a recurring problem when you have an earwax blockage, your doctor must recommend that you will take a wax-removal medication like carbamide peroxide. As they will irritate your delicate skin of the eardrum and ear canal. Use as they are directed to you by your doctor.

Treatment options sometimes include:

  • Medicines dropped into the ear canal, to soften the earwax and slowly break it down
  • Irrigation of the ear canal with water in your provider’s office
  • Manual removal, using special tools in your provider’s office

An ear drops or use of a spray is referred by your doctor once if the irrigation is done or if the irrigation is not suitable for your health. Ear drops should only be used when it kept at room temperature.

If you use an ear drops than the spray, then you must get to need some things after you drop it into your ear.

Once you have squeezed the drops into your affected ear, lie on your side for a few mins and give time to ears so that it could soak it well into the wax. You will feel a light fizzing sensation, underwater or tingling. All this is normal, but if you feel any pain or discomfort, then you must stop taking the drops, as it could be the sign for a perforated eardrum which in the future can cause you health complications.

Alternative Medicine

Most of the people use ear candling for removal of earwax from the ear. It is a technique to remove the earwax from the ear, it placed a lighted, hollow, cone-shaped candle from into the ear. It believes that the heat from the flame creates a vacuum seal where the earwax will stick to the object.

Ear candling generally not preferred by the doctor’s as it is proved that it is worthless using a candle. It will also create injury to the ear like a burn, ear canal obstructions, etc.


1) Is Cotton Swab Helpful?

The answer is NO. Cotton swabs should never be inserted in your ears as it pushes the wax further into the ear canal causing an impaction. Earwax isn’t produced near the eardrum, so if there is a blockage it is an indication that wax has been manually pushed inward. Cotton swabs or any other foreign object could easily damage the delicate parts of the inner ear, including the eardrum.

2) How to Remove Impacted Ear Wax in Children?

If you think that the child is going through the symptoms of ear wax blockage or if they could not feel any symptoms of ear infection like fever or dizziness, you can go through the steps for removal of the ear-wax in the children:

  • You have to mix a solution of half hydrogen peroxide and half warm water. Make sure that the water is warm and not hot.
  • By the use of the eyedropper, you can place a drop in the child’s ear until you can see that the liquid solution is up to the top of the ear canal. Make sure that the child is tilting their head down.
  • Make sure that the child will be in a constant manner for some time and their head should be in a tilted form.
  • After some time check whether the solution is draining out or not.
  • Apply this solution for up to 5-6 days in a daily manner.
  • Fill a bulb syringe with warm water.
  • Clean or dry the child’s ear with a clean towel.

3) Why your Ears Should be Professionally Cleaned Up?

The answer is very simple, your eardrums are a very delicate part of the ear, if you do anything or if you try to put anything in your ears then you should pay the risk at your own. As if you are inserting something in the ear then it has the possible way that it will cause a problematic obstruction. It can damage either both or one ear.

The survey tells that every year many people burst or damage their eardrums by sticking or inserting all this sort of kind like cotton buds. We are talking about cotton buds, not about the earbuds. Cotton buds are designed for the baby’s purpose, not for adults’ ear purposes. Don’t try to insert something in your shorter than your elbow.

There are the specialists present who can remove your ear-wax more gently and softly than you could do it yourself. They have the experience and they know what is right for you. There is no problem in going to a specialist for a regular checkup.

4) What is the Cost of Earwax Removal?

Removal of the ear wax by the specialists can be costly or maybe it is cheaper.

(a) Typical Costs:

If you don’t have insurance, when you have an appointment at a clinic or a primary care physician’s office for an earwax removal it can cost you in the range of Rs 2,800-Rs 7,646. And if you have insurance then, you can apply for copays and deductibles.

Copays and deductibles are the features of health insurance plans. Copay means a fixed amount which a patient pays after receiving specific health services, and the remaining balance is covered by the insurance company. A deductible means a fixed amount which a patient must pay in a given time period.

Over the counter removal, the kit has the range from Rs 348 for a took loop removal kit to Rs 2,085 for a tyrosol ear wax removal kit.

Some of the people use ear wax candle, ear wax candle comes in a range of Rs 139 for 2 candles, and Rs 17,378 for 75 candles, which means Rs 233 per candle.

(b) Additional Costs:

The FDA(Food and Drug Administration) community strictly warns not to use an ear wax candling, as it can damage your ears. If there become any injury and you are visiting a doctor or a hospital, then the visiting cost may come in the range of Rs 3,476 to Rs 69,51,250.  The cost depends on the instant of your injury.

5) Can Ear Wax Build Up Causes Hearing Loss or Affect My Hearing?

The short and simple answer to this question is YES. In fact, it is the most common cause of conductive hearing loss. This is the result of a physical barrier, like excess wax which stops sound from traveling from the outer ear to the inner ear.

Luckily, this hearing loss is reversible if we remove the blockage from the ear. There are certain situations which point towards earwax blockage:

  • Earache
  • Itching
  • Coughing
  • Fullness in your ear or feeling of the ear is plugged
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)

However, earwax is not always bad for your ears. It can only cause hearing loss if it builds up too much. The other reason for that is your attempt to clean your ear using cotton-swab where you end up pushing it back into the ear canal. This may result in the requirement of hearing aid.


Earwax is a natural part of your ear health, but it may be bothersome. Removing them should be avoided with any object which can worsen the problem.

In some cases, even the eardrum or ear canal get damaged with the use of cotton swabs. Consult your doctor as soon as possible.

I need an appointment with a specialist. Book your day with us. We have the best specialist team that will look after you. We believe in values that enhance life. And you can live your life at full potential. For more queries contact us on our toll-free +91-9327901950.


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