The earplugs for concerts is necessary. About half of the population in this world love listening to music. Either old or new generation youngsters enjoy the loud music of their choice.
Imagine yourself, standing in a crowd of millions of people, where you can hardly hear your own voice, shouting and admiring your most favorite band, waiting for your best-loved song to be performed is full of excitement.
You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need any assistance or you have a query regarding Earplugs or Hearing Loss, feel free to call us at +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.
But wait, do you know a loud noise is the main reason leading to the noise-induced hearing loss. As per stat, about 26 million Americans are suffering from this particular disease. And this loss can happen by going to an event or concert without any hearing protection.
If you prefer to go to music concerts a lot then you might be familiar with the after concerts situation, those ringing in the ears are very frustrating and it takes around 14-16 hours to be normal.
The level of noise during late-night concerts reaches up to 110-120 dB and exposure to noise for long hours has the risk factor of hearing loss.
How Can You Protect Your Ears During the Concerts?
The answer is to start using high fidelity musician earplugs for concerts. This has been designed especially for the concert lovers called musician earplugs.
So you can protect your hearing during the concerts by using earplugs. These ear protection devices protect your hearing ability from the high-frequency sounds without lowering the quality of sound i.e they do not block or mute the sounds.
How Can Loud Noise Cause Hearing Loss?
You must know that the sound is a vibration. The vibration that you hear travels through some medium and reaches up to the brain.
As the sound wave enters our eardrum, it reaches the cochlea. Inside the cochlea, there are enormous rows and rows of microscopic hair cells.
These hair cells act as a medium to provide a signal to the brain via the auditory nerve. The sound waves vibrate these hair cells harder according to its loudness and the brain interprets the sound based on how quickly they move hair cells.
Overworking of hair cells with the exposure to loud noise for long-duration makes them die. The hair cells cannot regenerate and over damaging these cells can cause permanent hearing loss.
How Loud is Too Loud?

Any type of sound louder than the 90 dB can damage your eardrums. A normal conversation with the noise level up to 60 dB is a moderate condition for our ears.
Whereas, the rock concerts produce up to 120 dB noise level which is double than the moderate condition and extremely loud for your ears.
The loudspeakers induce high-frequency sound which can become the cause of hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in ears). So, these sounds hurt your hearing as they hit your ear at 120 dB and above.
According to the research foundation, if you spend more than the 15 – 20 mins around loud noise at then you might have hearing loss or tinnitus.
How to Shield Your Ears During Concerts
If you’ve ever left a concert with ringing ears then, it’s timed to contact an ear specialist to have your ears examined for tinnitus.
And if you are attending the concerts regularly but have not seen any symptoms yet then you must start a habit of wearing a custom earplug in both the ears.
Custom earplugs are specially designed to be fit in your ears. They reduce the irritation which occurs after wearing the earplugs. To prevent the long-term hearing loss problem, most of the musicians use the custom earplugs.
If you have more cash to burn onto hearing devices, then the hearing machine technology is introduced where there are more than thousands of hearing aids available with a unique feature for hearing loss problems but are too expensive.
If you are attending a concert by wearing the earplugs then make sure that during the show you would not keep them down so that the won’t be able to damage your ears further.
How are Concerts Earplugs Differ Than Standard Earplugs?
Unlike other standard earplugs, the concert earplugs preserve sound quality by amplifying them to the ear-friendly level.
Concerts earplugs have a unique acoustic filter which does not muffle or distort the sound. They contain layers of filters that ensure to protect your hearing ability.
The traditional standard earplugs lower the sound to some extent that the listening experience gets damage so some people do not like wearing earplugs as its difficult to carry a normal conversation with it and listening to music is less enjoyable.
Where in concerts earplug this problem is negligible. Their design is so good, which is hard to be noticed by others.
Type of Earplugs for Hearing Protection
There is various type of earplugs available according to their uses. But mainly 4 types of earplugs for hearing protection and they are:
1. Foam
The standard foam earplugs are made up of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyurethane (PU) so they are very lite, easily available, easily compressed, cheapest, and soft.

They are compressed and inserted into the ear canals which provide the highest level of decibel reduction. They work best if they are inserted properly into the ear canal.
Foam earplugs may not be the best option if you need to take it on and off on a regular basis. They are reusable.
2. Flanged
Flanged earplugs are most likely to the musician or ‘Hi-Fi’ earplugs. They have a cone-shaped structure with several lips or rims offered. They create a seal around the ear canal providing a universal fit.

Flanged earplugs are better over the standard foam earplugs as they are fool-proof as long as they are inserted in an ear canal up to the suitable depth. Some may not feel comfortable wearing it for a long duration.
3. High fidelity/ Musician earplugs
They are basically designed for musicians and performers. High fidelity earplugs keep the sound clear i.e no muffling of sound.
The special acoustic filter lowers the noise level and the volume across the audible sound spectrum. They are reusable, universal fit, and custom-molded version(covering outer ear canal).
You may refer to the high fidelity earplugs concerts in order to experience safe and incredible hearing concerts.
4. Silicon(Custom-molded) Earplugs
These custom-made earplugs are made up of silicon. They offer perfect fit as the mold is made by an audiologist according to the size of your ear.

You will experience no pressure on the sides of the ear canal which is the problem in other earplugs causing discomfort.
There are two types of custom earplugs.
- Solid silicon
- High-fidelity musician earplugs
5. Musician or ‘Hi-Fi’ Earplugs
The musician is mostly exposed to the potentially harmful level of sound and they cannot escape from this but have the most reliable safety measure to protect their hearing can be chosen.

There are various ear plugs that a musician can choose according to their needs and the instrument they play. Depending on the type of instrument they play, musicians may choose to use:
- Preformed earplugs: The performed earplugs provide the noise reduction rating(NRR) of about 12 dB.
- Custom earplugs: Adjustable NNR, expensive and are for the individual listener.
- Custom in-ear monitors: They are headphones as well as earplugs which attenuates the surrounding sound.
- Foam earplugs: Suitable for musicians playing the timpani as they do not provide flat attenuation.
- Level-dependent: can be used by bikers and skies.
To avoid overexposure of high frequency, the effect of base and treble musicians and technicians of a concert uses these earplugs as it attenuates all the frequency and passes only the audible frequency.
These earplugs are not protected from a very high noise level like 105 dB.
6. Filtered Earplugs
Filtered earplugs works on the very famous definition of energy i.e energy neither can be created nor be destroyed but can be converted.

These earplugs filter out the high decibel sounds by converting it into another form of energy which is heat.
7. Electronic Earplugs

The passive earplugs lower or soften the loud noises similarly it softens the soft sounds to i.e you will not be able to listen to the soft noises which makes the communication hard.
Active electronic earplugs are available. It reduces the loud noises. Even the soft noises are amplified. It’s done with the help of microphones and speakers paired with passive earplugs.
High Fidelity Earplugs
High Fidelity Ear Plugs are designed to separate damaging noise from the music so you hear every bar as the performers intended.
The revolutionary attenuators of these earplugs reduce noise by as much as 20 decibels without distorting the range of sound.
One such high fidelity earplug is HEAROS. Every pair of HEAROS High Fidelity Ear Plugs come with their own pocket-sized keychain storage case so you are ready wherever an impromptu jam session breaks out.
You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need any assistance or you have a query regarding Earplugs or Hearing Loss, feel free to call us at +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.
Earplugs can keep your ears safe and act as protection against any loud sound. Use these earplugs, you will enjoy your tune or live performance. They will relieve you of your hearing problem.
These were best hearing protection for concerts for the year 2018. They are a great investment for protecting your eardrums. These are not much expensive and easily available online or offline. They help enjoy your music safely for years. Hope, you find this article useful.
Here are some more to read:
☛ Pulsatile Tinnitus: Hearing Heartbeat, Fluttering, Whooshing Sound in Ear
☛ 7 Natural Home Remedies For Tinnitus to Completely Cure it
☛ The link between tinnitus and hearing loss